Dilas has been created to professionally meet the needs and demands of the ever expanding insurance industry.
We offer complete portfolio of services and could act as claims managers for our clients taking responsibilities and producing clear concise and statistical survey reports for a broad spectrum of losses

Dilas International Loss Adjusters and Surveyors was inaugurated on January 1, 1989
in accordance with Law no. 9 for the year 1984 and Ministerial Decree No. 21 of 1985 concerning the conditions of terms governing the registry of loss adjusters and surveyors experts at the U.A.E. Ministry of Commerce and Trade and a locally owned business on a partnership agreement.
ilas has been created to professionally meet the needs and demands of the ever expanding insurance industry and is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of services to fulfill all requirements in all aspects of Technical and Marine claims each treated on their individual merits. It is one of the very few Arab firms involved in Loss Adjusting in the area. Dilas upholds the values of its founder Mr. Zuhair R. Madbak – impartiality, integrity and professional excellence. To help ensure a top-quality service to clients, Dilas has developed teams of professionally qualified experts combining specialist knowledge with loss adjusting skills. Our staff has a range of experience and expertise that is unrivalled in the insurance industry, recruited from sound professional and commercial sources, our engineers and surveyors have extensive experience in a wealth of disciplines.