
Can you define a loss adjuster?


A loss adjuster is appointed by insurance companies to carry out a proper assessment of a claim lodged by the insured from an independent and impartial point of view with the aim of achieving a fair outcome to the satisfaction of both the insured as well as the insurer and within the policy terms and conditions.


Why do the insurance company need to appoint a loss adjuster?


Insurance companies appoint an independent loss adjuster for any claim over a set value. Also, as a third party, a loss adjuster being specialized in handling insurance claim can assess the claim from an independent point of view.


Is the Loss Adjuster paid more from the insurers if the claim is reduced?


No, a Loss Adjuster is paid hourly on the actual time spent on the claim and not on the saved claim amount.


How can a Loss Adjuster be impartial if he is appointed by Insurers?


We work as per the code of ethics governing the activities of a Loss Adjusters with the aim of protecting both parties against any mis-representations. These codes are set by the chartered institute of loss adjusters as well as the U.A.E. Federal Ministry of Economy and Commerce.


What action can I take if I am not satisfied by the services provided by a Loss Adjuster?


It usually never happens, however in such cases, the insured can refer the issue of dispute to a third party professional such as adjuster/lawyer/ arbitrator, etc. who will resolve the issue. Loss Adjuster will do our best to carry detailed investigations to reach a fair solution with consideration to the code of conduct. You may also refer to the policy wording which indicates all procedures to be followed.